Healthcare that improves lives
Our vision to transform the quality of healthcare in our markets can only be achieved by creating a robust clinical governance and quality management framework. Through this framework, we set and safeguard the standards for care delivery and continuously improve the quality of services by creating an environment in which excellence in patient outcomes flourishes.
Governance for Quality and Safety is the system through which healthcare teams are accountable for the quality, safety and experience of people they provide healthcare care to. For clinical staff this means specifying the standards being delivered and showing the measurements made, to demonstrate that what was done was what was planned.

Clinical governance and quality management
With good governance processes in place, we can assure the public we serve that each Evercare hospital, clinic and diagnostic centre is operating effectively, efficiently and safely.
Recognizing that the key to creating a high-quality clinical platform is through a robust Clinical Governance and Quality Management Framework, a Clinical Governance Committee for the Evercare Group has been established with Clinicians, Nurses and Quality specialists from each country who have been empowered and engaged to implement and drive quality to each of our facilities.
We harness technology as the future of healthcare and make best use of technological developments in order to provide accessible and effective services to enhance life expectancy, quality of life, diagnostic and treatment options.
As the largest integrated healthcare network in emerging markets, we are also setting benchmarks by providing optimal healthcare delivered in accredited facilities, with every hospital progressing towards quality metrics that meet international standards.