Innovation is at the heart of our operating model as we simplify processes to improve the patient experience, make best use of resources, provide better value, improve health outcomes and improve access to care. As a private business, the Evercare Group is committed to providing sustainable financial returns to its shareholders and does this whilst adhering to its mission of providing impact driven health care which results in the achievement of a double bottom line.
Evercare’s business model provides a robust integrated platform to increase efficiencies, drive economies of scale and support the development of strategic public / private partnerships.
Our teams introduce best practice technology processes to improve quality of care, save money and provide operational excellence. This allows hospitals access to data and information to provide better care locally to their patients; it also provides data that we share with key stakeholders in other fields, including governments, to help make informed decisions on a nation’s healthcare agenda. We partner with the world’s leading suppliers ensuring that high quality equipment and supplies are available in Evercare hospitals, clinics and diagnostic centres.
We lead the way with innovation and were one of the first groups in emerging markets to utilise tele-medicine in many of our healthcare facilities so we could reach a greater number of patients as the Covid pandemic restricted travel. This meant we were able to carry on providing much needed care and support to our communities.
Our Commitment to Business Integrity
Our commitment to deliver high-quality, affordable and accessible healthcare to our patients is aligned with our commitment to conduct our business with honesty and integrity. We have a duty to respect our patient’s right to confidentiality, demonstrate responsible, fair, honest and collaborative leadership, and maintain an ethical standard of doing business. In order to be regarded as the most respected and trusted provider of hospital services by our patients, doctors and funders of healthcare, we act upon these duties.
Our stakeholders which includes our employees, patients, supporting doctors, shareholders, suppliers, society and community, healthcare funders, industry associations, media and government expect that the Group embodies honesty and integrity in all our decisions and actions. Sound ethical relations with all our stakeholders are of fundamental importance to us.

Ethics and Business Conduct
The Group’s Mission, Vision, and Code of Ethics and Business Conduct provide the foundation for our organization’s standards of business conduct. As a result, it is important for each employee to be familiar with these beliefs to guide them in making the right decisions.
Our commitment to the highest ethical standards is embodied in the Group’s values which demonstrate our adherence to four core elements of ethics: fairness, transparency, accountability and responsibility.
Your Voice Matters
Our “Your Voice Matters” Hotline, hosted by a third-party hotline provider, provides employees, suppliers and others with a means to report potential violations of the Group’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, our policies or applicable law anonymously.
Our Your Voice Matters hotline is an important part of our culture of being accountable and ethical. All employees have an obligation to report suspected Code of Conduct violations, and to ask questions, raise issues and seek guidance when a course of action is unclear. Employees, stakeholders, and other individuals who want to raise a query or concern about the Evercare Group or any of its affiliated companies should contact the Your Voice Matters Hotline. All individuals who raise a concern are given the opportunity to do so with anonymity. No individual will be retaliated in any form.
Any individual who wants to raise a query or concern related to the Evercare Health Fund may contact